// vim: autoindent tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 expandtab softtabstop=4 /* * File: main.c * Author: Greg Ercolano, erco@seriss.com * * Created on Apr 24, 2019, 06:29 PM * Compiler: MPLAB X IDE V5.10 + XC8 -- Microchip.com * * Drive the 1A2 Multiline Phone Control board, REV F - CPU2 Firmware. * _ _ * V+ | |__| | GND * x (OUT) -- RA5 | | RA0 -- (OUT) EXT8 BUZZ * x (OUT) -- RA4 | | RA1 -- (OUT) EXT7 BUZZ * (MCLR) X (IN) -- RA3 | | RA2 -- (OUT) EXT6 BUZZ * MT8870 STD (IN) -- RC5 | | RC0 -- (OUT) EXT5 BUZZ * CPU STATUS (OUT) -- RC4 | | RC1 -- (IN) ROTARY PULSE * EXT4 BUZZ (OUT) -- RC3 | | RC2 -- (IN) DTMF 'd' * EXT3 BUZZ (OUT) -- RC6 | | RB4 -- (IN) DTMF 'c' * EXT2 BUZZ (OUT) -- RC7 | | RB5 -- (IN) DTMF 'b' * EXT1 BUZZ (OUT) -- RB7 |______| RB6 -- (IN) DTMF 'a' * * PIC16F1709 / CPU2 * REV F * */ // REVISION F / CPU2 Port(ABC) // 76543210 |Bit# in port // Inputs |||||||| || #define MT8870_STD ((G_portc & 0b00100000)?1:0) // RC5: goes hi when dial button pressed #define DTMF_a ((G_portb & 0b01000000)?1:0) // RB6: data bit 'a' from MT8870 of which dial button pressed #define DTMF_b ((G_portb & 0b00100000)?1:0) // RB5: data bit 'b' from MT8870 of which dial button pressed #define DTMF_c ((G_portb & 0b00010000)?1:0) // RB4: data bit 'c' from MT8870 of which dial button pressed #define DTMF_d ((G_portc & 0b00000100)?1:0) // RC2: data bit 'd' from MT8870 of which dial button pressed #define ROTARY_PULSE ((G_portc & 0b00000010)?1:0) // RC1: rotary pulse // Outputs #define CPU_STATUS_LED LATCbits.LATC4 // RC4: hi to turn LED on #define EXT1_BUZZ LATBbits.LATB7 // hi to turn EXT1 buzzer on #define EXT2_BUZZ LATCbits.LATC7 // hi to turn EXT2 buzzer on #define EXT3_BUZZ LATCbits.LATC6 // hi to turn EXT3 buzzer on #define EXT4_BUZZ LATCbits.LATC3 // hi to turn EXT4 buzzer on #define EXT5_BUZZ LATCbits.LATC0 // hi to turn EXT5 buzzer on #define EXT6_BUZZ LATAbits.LATA2 // hi to turn EXT6 buzzer on #define EXT7_BUZZ LATAbits.LATA1 // hi to turn EXT7 buzzer on #define EXT8_BUZZ LATAbits.LATA0 // hi to turn EXT8 buzzer on // This must be #defined before #includes #define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000UL // system oscillator speed in HZ (__delay_ms() needs this) // --- The following section copy/pasted from MPLAB X menu: Production -> Set Configuration Bits -> Generate Source.. // CONFIG1 #pragma config FOSC = INTOSC // USE INTERNAL OSCILLATOR: Oscillator Selection Bits (INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on CLKIN pin) #pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT disabled) #pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable (PWRT disabled) #pragma config MCLRE = ON // MCLR Pin Function Select (MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR) #pragma config CP = OFF // Flash Program Memory Code Protection (Program memory code protection is disabled) #pragma config BOREN = OFF // Brown-out Reset Enable (Brown-out Reset disabled) #pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable (CLKOUT function is disabled. I/O or oscillator function on the CLKOUT pin) #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal/External Switchover Mode (Internal/External Switchover Mode is disabled) #pragma config FCMEN = OFF // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is disabled) // CONFIG2 #pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash Memory Self-Write Protection (Write protection off) #pragma config PPS1WAY = ON // Peripheral Pin Select one-way control (The PPSLOCK bit cannot be cleared once it is set by software) #pragma config ZCDDIS = ON // Zero-cross detect disable (Zero-cross detect circuit is disabled at POR) #pragma config PLLEN = OFF // Phase Lock Loop enable (4x PLL is enabled when software sets the SPLLEN bit) #pragma config STVREN = ON // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable (Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset) #pragma config BORV = LO // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection (Brown-out Reset Voltage (Vbor), low trip point selected.) #pragma config LPBOR = OFF // Low-Power Brown Out Reset (Low-Power BOR is disabled) #pragma config LVP = ON // Low-Voltage Programming Enable (Low-voltage programming enabled) // --- end section // PIC hardware includes #include // our Microchip C compiler (XC8) #include "Debounce.h" // our signal debouncer module // DEFINES #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define ulong unsigned long #define ITERS_PER_SEC 500 // while() loop iters per second (Hz). *MUST BE EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO 1000* #define ROTARY_BUZZ_MSECS 800 // how many msecs a rotary dialed extension's buzzer should buzz (almost 1 sec) #define ROTARY_MAX_OFF_MSECS 200 // determines when dialing completed #define ROTARY_POWERUP_MSECS 500 // how long to wait after powerup before doing rotary detect // Rotary dialing struct // Variables related to rotary dial management // typedef struct { uchar mode; // 0=idle, 1=digit pulse, 2=digit space, 3=dialing completed uchar digit; // rotary digit dialed int on_msecs; // #msecs debounced rotary detector was "on" int off_msecs; // #msecs debounced rotary detector was "off" long buzz_msecs; // counts how long to run buzzer after rotary dialing an extension } Rotary; // GLOBALS const long G_msecs_per_iter = (1000/ITERS_PER_SEC); // #msecs per iter (if ITERS_PER_SEC=125, this is 8) long G_powerup_msecs = 0; // counts up from 0 to 10,000 then stops long G_msec = 0; // counts up from 0 to 1000, steps by G_msecs_per_iter, wraps to zero. uchar G_porta, G_portb, G_portc; // 8 bit input sample buffers (once per main loop iter) // Initialize debounce struct for rotary input values // // 'value' range: // max_value 20 __________________ // / // on thresh 15 ....../................... // / // off thresh 8 ...../..................... // / // 0 ___/ // void RotaryDebounceInit(Debounce *d) { d->value = 0; d->max_value = 15; // 20 d->on_thresh = 10; // 15; d->off_thresh = 4; // 8; d->thresh = 10; // 15; } // Initialize the Rotary struct's values to zero void RotaryInit(Rotary *r) { r->mode = 0; r->digit = 0; r->on_msecs = 0; r->off_msecs = 0; r->buzz_msecs = 0; } // Flash the CPU2 STATUS led two quick blinks per second void FlashCpuStatusLED() { // 2 quick blinks per second // // 1 second (1000ms) // :<---------------------------->: // :_____ _____ : // | | | | : // ____| |_____| |____________: // // : : : : : // : 150 : 150 : 150 : 550 : // : ms : ms : ms : ms : // : : : : : // 0 150 300 450 1000 // CPU_STATUS_LED = (G_msec <= 150) || (G_msec >= 300 && G_msec <= 450) ? 1 : 0; } // Initialize PIC chip I/O for REV E board. void Init() { OPTION_REGbits.nWPUEN = 0; // Enable WPUEN (weak pullup enable) by clearing bit // Set PIC chip oscillator speed OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b1110; // 0000=31kHz LF, 0111=500kHz MF (default on reset), 1011=1MHz HF, 1101=4MHz, 1110=8MHz, 1111=16MHz HF OSCCONbits.SPLLEN = 0; // disable 4xPLL (PLLEN in config words must be OFF) OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b10; // 10=int osc, 00=FOSC determines oscillator // In the following TRISA/B/C data direction registers, // '1' configures an input, '0' configures an output. // 'X' indicates a don't care/not implemented on this chip hardware. // NOTE: A3 is INPUT ONLY. TRISA = 0b00001000; // data direction for port A (0=output, 1=input) WPUA = 0b00001000; // enable 'weak pullup resistors' for all inputs // ||||||||_ A0 (OUT) EXT8 BUZZ // |||||||__ A1 (OUT) EXT7 BUZZ // ||||||___ A2 (OUT) EXT6 BUZZ // |||||____ A3 (IN) unused/MCLR // ||||_____ A4 (OUT) unused // |||______ A5 (OUT) unused // ||_______ X // |________ X TRISB = 0b01110000; // data direction for port B (0=output, 1=input) WPUB = 0b01110000; // enable 'weak pullup resistors' for all inputs // ||||||||_ X // |||||||__ X // ||||||___ X // |||||____ X // ||||_____ B4 (IN) DTMF 'c' // |||______ B5 (IN) DTMF 'b' // ||_______ B6 (IN) DTMF 'a' // |________ B7 (OUT) EXT1 BUZZ TRISC = 0b00100110; // data direction for port C (0=output, 1=input) WPUC = 0b00100110; // enable 'weak pullup resistors' for all inputs // ||||||||_ C0 (OUT) EXT5 BUZZ // |||||||__ C1 (IN) ROTARY_PULSE // ||||||___ C2 (IN) DTMF 'd' // |||||____ C3 (OUT) EXT4 BUZZ // ||||_____ C4 (OUT) CPU STATUS // |||______ C5 (IN) MT8870 STD // ||_______ C6 (OUT) EXT3 BUZZ // |________ C7 (OUT) EXT2 BUZZ // Disable analog stuff ANSELA = 0x0; ANSELB = 0x0; ANSELC = 0x0; ADCON0 = 0x0; // disables ADC // Disable slew rate controls SLRCONA = 0x0; SLRCONB = 0x0; SLRCONC = 0x0; PORTA = 0x0; PORTB = 0x0; PORTC = 0x0; } // Buzz the specified extension number (1 thru 8) at 60Hz // If extension number is -1, all extension buzzers are turned off. // void BuzzExtension(int num) { static uchar count = 0; uchar bz_60hz = (++count & 2) ? 1 : 0; // bz is 0|1 changing at ~60hz rate if ( num < 1 || num > 8 ) bz_60hz = 0; // force bz off if ext# outside 1-8 range // Drive the extension buzzers EXT1_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; EXT2_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; EXT3_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; EXT4_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; EXT5_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; EXT6_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; EXT7_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; EXT8_BUZZ = ( --num == 0 ) ? bz_60hz : 0; } // Reset the rotary counters and deenergize any buzzers void RotaryReset(Rotary *r) { RotaryInit(r); BuzzExtension(-1); // all coils off } // HANDLE ROTARY DIALING ON INTERCOM LINE // Debounce the potentially noisy input and include snap action hysteresis. // Empirical tests showed noise to look like this: // // Rotary Rotary // Pulse Space Pulse // ____^____ /\ ____^____ // / \ / \ / \ // // <--65ms--><20ms> <--65ms--> // ROTARY_PULSE: _________ _________ // || | | || | | // ________||_| |___||_| |_______________ // // \/ \/ // noise noise // void HandleRotaryDialing(Rotary *r, Debounce *d) { // Debounce the "ROTARY_PULSE" input int is_rotary_pulse = DebounceNoisyInput(d, ROTARY_PULSE); // Early exit if idle & not dialing (mode=0) or valid digit still being handled (mode=3) if ( !is_rotary_pulse && ( r->mode == 0 || r->mode == 3 ) ) return; // COUNT ROTARY PULSES // Manage separate counters for pulse and space // if ( is_rotary_pulse ) { // PULSE if ( r->mode == 0 || r->mode == 3 ) // Begin new dialing sequence? RotaryReset(r); // Reset rotary system, stop buzzers r->mode = 1; if ( r->off_msecs ) // Just finished counting "off time"? r->off_msecs = 0; // ..then this is rising edge: zero off timer r->on_msecs += G_msecs_per_iter; // keep count of "on time" } else { // SPACE BETWEEN PULSES r->mode = 2; // Just finished on time? Falling edge: zero on timer & count digit if ( r->on_msecs ) { r->on_msecs = 0; r->digit++; } r->off_msecs += G_msecs_per_iter; // count off time if ( r->off_msecs > ROTARY_MAX_OFF_MSECS ) { // Full digit dialed -- stop dialing and start buzzer r->mode = 3; // indicate r->digit now has valid digit r->buzz_msecs = ROTARY_BUZZ_MSECS; } } } // Return rotary dialed digit, or 0 if none. // Manages keeping digit active until rotary buzzer timer expires. // Also handles preventing switch hook pickup noise from causing false dialing. // int GetRotaryDigit(Rotary *r, Debounce *d) { // Early exit if recent pickup if ( G_powerup_msecs < ROTARY_POWERUP_MSECS ) return 0; HandleRotaryDialing(r, d); // loads r->digit + r->mode // Valid digit recently dialed (mode=3), and buzzer still running? if ( r->mode == 3 && r->buzz_msecs > 0 ) { r->buzz_msecs -= G_msecs_per_iter; // count buzz timer down to zero if ( r->buzz_msecs <= 0 ) RotaryReset(r); // stop buzzer, done else return r->digit; // return digit to keep buzzing } return 0; } // Return DTMF dialed digit, or 0 if none. int GetDTMFDigit() { // Nothing being dialed right now? early exit if ( !MT8870_STD ) return 0; // If MT8870_STD is 1, a Touch-Tone button is pressed; decode the digit // from the MT8870 abcd outputs as an integer, and buzz that extension // return (( DTMF_a ) | (DTMF_b << 1) | (DTMF_c << 2) | (DTMF_d << 3)); } // Buffer the hardware state of PIC's PORTA/B/C all at once. // Run this at the beginning of each iter of the 125Hz main loop. // We then do bit tests on these buffered values, to avoid multiple // hardware reads throughout execution to avoid sampling parallax. // void SampleInputs() { // Buffer the hardware input states G_porta = PORTA; G_portb = PORTB; G_portc = PORTC; } void main(void) { int digit; // dtmf or rotary dialed digit Rotary rot; // rotary management struct Debounce rdeb; // rotary debounce/hysteresis struct // Initialize PIC chip Init(); // Initialize rotary structs/hardware RotaryInit(&rot); RotaryReset(&rot); RotaryDebounceInit(&rdeb); // Loop at ITERS_PER_SEC // If ITERS_PER_SEC is 125, this is an 8msec loop // while (1) { // Sample input ports all at once SampleInputs(); // Keep the millisecond counter running.. G_msec = (G_msec + G_msecs_per_iter) % 1000; // wrap at 1000 // Keep status status led flashing FlashCpuStatusLED(); /*** DEBUG // USE SCOPE TO DEBUG Debounce OF ROTARY // 1. Attach +12 to card, and rotary phone on EXT *2*, pickup ICM line // 2. Put scope on pin #10 to monitor cleaned up signal // 3. To include 'iterations' square wave, connect pin#3 to scope with a series 220ohm, // to see pin#3 squarewave on top of pin#10's cleaned up signal, e.g. // // 220 // (pin 3) o-----/\/\/\----O------- (scope lead) // | // (pin 10) o---------------+ // // Scope result: space // <----> // _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ // | | | | // | <---pulse---> | | | // _-_-_-_-_-_| |-_-_-_| |-_-_-_-_-_- // static long G_iters = 0; // number of main loop iters. wraps to zero every ITERS_PER_SEC. int is_rotary_pulse = DebounceNoisyInput(&rdeb, ROTARY_PULSE); LATBbits.LATB7 = is_rotary_pulse; // B7(pin 10): clean version of ROTARY_PULSE LATAbits.LATA4 = G_iters & 1; // A4(pin 3): on/off each iter // Loop counter if ( ++G_iters > ITERS_PER_SEC ) G_iters = 0; // wrap to 0 each sec ***/ if ( (digit = GetDTMFDigit()) ) BuzzExtension(digit); // DTMF dialed digit? Buzz that extension else if ( (digit = GetRotaryDigit(&rot, &rdeb)) ) BuzzExtension(digit); // Rotary dialed digit? Buzz that extension else BuzzExtension(-1); // ensure buzzer xstrs not left on // Loop delay __delay_ms(G_msecs_per_iter); // Powerup counter // Counts up from zero then stops after 10 secs, leaving counter >=10000. if ( G_powerup_msecs < 10000 ) G_powerup_msecs += G_msecs_per_iter; } }