SLOSYN(DOCS)		Optical Printer Control System		SLOSYN(DOCS)

        slosyn - slosyn motor wiring notes

                        SUPERIOR ELECTRIC 6 WIRE SLO-SYN   
                            INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM        
                       Centent and Anaheim terminals shown 

    To rotate the motor, energize coils sequentially in the following order:
    P1, P2, P3, P4... I know it looks wrong, but that's how it works.

ANAHEIM  **CENTENT**                                    **CENTENT**  ANAHEIM
         (LO)   (HI)                                    (LO)   (HI)

   P1     6      6  RED ------O            O------- G/W  3      x      P4
                              >            <
                              >  P1    P4  <
                              >            <
  P1&P3   x      5  BLK ------O            O------- WHT  x      3     P2&P4
                              >            <
                              >  P3    P2  <
                              >            <
   P3     5      x  R/W ------O            O------- GRN  4      4      P2

                        SUPERIOR ELECTRIC 8 WIRE SLO-SYN   
                            INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM        
                       Centent and Anaheim terminals shown 

ANAHEIM  **CENTENT**                                    **CENTENT**  ANAHEIM
         (LO)   (HI)                                    (LO)   (HI)

   P1     6      6  G/W ------O            O------- R/W  4      4      P4
                              >            <
                              >  P1    P4  <
                              >            <
  P1&P3   (ORN)  5  B/W ------O            O------- WHT (BLK)   3     P2&P4

  P1&P3   5      5  GRN ------O            O------- BLK (WHT)   4     P2&P4
                              >            <
                              >  P3    P2  <
                              >            <
   P3     (B/W)  6  ORN ------O            O------- RED  3      3      P2

© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.