CAM(OPCS)		Optical Printer Control System		CAM(OPCS)

        cam - shoot frames on the camera

	cam [value]          # run camera so many frames fwd or reverse

	cam 12               # run camera 12 frames forward
	cam -12              # run camera 12 frames in reverse
	cam 54'11            # run camera 54 feet 11 frames
	cam >-32             # run camera TO counter frame -32
	cam >34'8            # run camera TO counter 34 ft 8 frms
	cam >(108/(10+2))    # run camera 9 frames (See SYNTAX(OPCS))

	This command will shoot frames on the camera at the current shutter
	speed set by SPD(OPCS). 
	The value indicates the relative number of frames to shoot. 
	Negative numbers shoot in reverse.

	Values can also be specified in foot/frames or as a mathematical
	expression (as shown above).

	If the value is directly preceded by '>', this tells the camera 
	to 'go to' that absolute position on the camera counters.

	To do fast windoffs that don't involve exposing film, use SEEK(OPCS)
	which uses the camera's slewing speed.

	If there are any pending fades or dissolves, the fader will FIRST
	move to its next position before the camera exposes a frame.

	If AUTOFILT(OPCS) is enabled, the camera will first expose the filter
	in the gate before moving the filter wheel. (As with the projector,
	when the system is idle, the frame in the gate is /about/ to be shot)

	If FEED(OPCS) is enabled, the motors will /first/ move to position
	before the camera exposes a frame. (Similar to fade/dx)

	Hitting the ALLSTOP button, usually the (`) key, will halt the
	motors at the nearest frame. ALLSTOP is safe during shooting; 
	it does not affect exposure, and always leaves the shutter closed
	after stopping. The allstop key can be redefined by ALLSTOP(OPCSDEFS).

	The camera WILL NOT RUN if the buckle is tripped. When exposing film,
	it also won't run if the viewer is open. If either condition occurs
	while the camera is shooting, the motors will stop with an error at 
	the nearest frame, similar to ALLSTOP.

	If 'hardware no' is in effect, the buckle/viewer state is ignored,
	so that the OPCS software can run on remote computers that are not
	pysically connected to an optical printer.

	Before the camera or projector move, the appropriate tension motors
	are enabled, to ensure take-ups are in correct modes for film motion.

        The software internally manages frame numbers in 32-bits,
        and therefore can handle values in the range of +/-2 billion.

        However, the counter /display/ has a digit limit, and the
        counters will 'clock over' (similar to a car's odometer)
        if the number of digits goes beyond the display's limits.

        For 'bigcounters yes' (See BIGCOUNTERS(OPCSDEFS)), the limit
        is 6 digits, i.e. -99,999 thru 999,999.

        For 'bigcounters nixie', in K2.10 and up supports 8 digits,
        i.e. -9,999,999 thru 99,999,999.

        In either case, when the counter overflows, it 'clocks over'
        to zero. In version K2.10 and up, a hash flag appears to the
        left of the counters warning of counter overflow, e.g.


        ..or in "ASCII art", that would be:

    ####  ##  ##                                                        ##
    ###  ##  ##                                                 ####    ##
    ##  ##  ##  #                                              ##  ##   ##
    ## ##  ##  ##                                             ##    ##  ##
    ####  ##  ##                                              ##    ##  ##
    ###  ##  ##                                               ##    ##  ##
    ##  ##  ##  #                                              ##  ##   ##
    ## ##  ##  ##                                               ####    ##
    ####  ##  ##                                                        ##

        Similarly, negative underflows (counts below zero) unclock to
        zero displaying a negative sign prefix.

        For 'bigcounters yes', counter progression works this way, where
        '//' represents the hashmark:

                Actual Frame   'bigcounter yes' Display
                ------------   ------------------------
                 -100,002             //   -2  <-- wraps to -2, shows hashmark
                 -100,001             //   -1  <-- wraps to -1, shows hashmark
                 -100,000             //    0  <-- wraps to -0, shows hashmark
                  -99,999             -99,999
                  -98,999             -98,999
                     :                      :
                    -1                     -1
                     0                      0
                     1                      1
                     :                      :
                  999,998             999,998
                  999,999             999,999  
                1,000,000             //    0  <-- wraps to 0, shows hashmark
                1,000,001             //    1  <-- wraps to 1, shows hashmark
                     :                      :

        For 'bigcounters nixie', in version K2.10 and up, counter progression
        works this way:

               Actual Frame  'bigcounters nixie' Display
               ------------  ---------------------------
                     :                   :
              -10,000,002       //      -2    <-- wraps to -2, shows hashmark
              -10,000,001       //      -1    <-- wraps to -1, shows hashmark
              -10,000,000       //      -0    <-- wraps to -0, shows hashmark
                -9,999,999      -9,999,999
                -9,999,998      -9,999,998
                     :                   :
                    -1                  -1
                     0                   0
                     1                   1
                     :                   :
               99,999,998       99,999,998
               99,999,999       99,999,999
              100,000,000       //       0    <-- wraps to 0, shows hashmark
              100,000,001       //       1    <-- wraps to 1, shows hashmark
              100,000,002       //       2    <-- wraps to 2, shows hashmark
                     :                   :

        This 'clock over' behavior is only true of the display..
        the software still internally keeps track of actual positions,
        so that commands like 'cam >2000000' will still work correctly.

        Note that 'bigcounters small' and 'bigcounters mocon' does not
        clip digits at all, and can display the full abilities of 32bit

      > Use 'bigcounters small' to maximize operator's screen history
                                (21 lines of screen history)
      > Use 'bigcounters mocon' monitors all channels for motion control moves.
                                (18 lines of screen history)
      > Use 'bigcounters nixie' for normal printing and medium sized counters.
                                (14 lines of screen history)
      > Use 'bigcounters large' for normal printing and largest counters.
                                (12 lines of screen history)


        -- Operator Commands (OPCS) --
	PRO / CAM  - run frames on the projector / camera
	RAT, REP   - tandem shooting (interlock)
	RES        - reset computer's pro/cam counters to new values
	CHK        - check if the pro/cam/shu counters are at certain values
	SEEK       - run the camera/projector at slewing speeds
	FEED       - feed motion control moves to motors every camera frame
	VELREP     - special purpose velocities for tandem shoots (eg. YCM)
	AUTOFILT   - enable/disable the auto-wedging filter wheel

	SHU        - send the fader shutter to absolute position in degrees
	OPN, CLS   - open/close the fader shutter
	DXI, DXO   - set up an dissolve
	FDI, FDO   - set up an fade

	MATH(DOCS)     - math expressions (for use in frame specifications)
	SYNTAX(OPCS)   - online calculator and OPCS math expression syntax
	MOTORS         - enable/disable motor hardware for debugging scripts

        -- Setup/Definitions (OPCSDEFS) --
	SPDINTERP      - configure exposure speed interpolations
	SPD            - configure camera's default exposure and slewing speeds
	RAMP           - configure camera's maximum acclerations and velocities
        MRP            - configure 'maximum ramp pulses' for shutter motors
        PPR            - configure 'pulses per revolution' for a motor

	BIGCOUNTERS    - enable/disable the large counter display
	FPF            - configure the 'frames-per-foot' (16mm, 35mm, Vista..)
	BUCKLE, VIEWER - configure buckle/viewer sensor's ports and bitmasks
	TENSION        - configure tension motors
	ALLSTOP        - define the ALLSTOP key
	HARDWARE       - enable/disable using printer hardware

        This command was in the first version of OPCS (Apple ][+).

	Gregory Ercolano, Los Feliz California 12/18/89
© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.