SHU(OPCS)		Optical Printer Control System		SHU(OPCS)

        shu - send the fader shutter to an absolute position in degrees

        shu [degrees]

	shu 120.59    # open fader shutter to 120.59 degrees
	shu 170       # fully open the fader shutter
	shu 0         # fully close the fader shutter

        Allows the operator to move the fader shutter to a position specified 
	in floating point degrees, and must be in the range 0.00 to 170.00 for
	a 170 degree shutter, 0.00 to 120.00 for a 120 degree shutter (See
	INTERP(OPCSDEFS) for installing fader settings).

        SHU commands during fades or dissolves effectively CANCELS them,
	moving the fader shutter to the specified position.

    	Although floating point values such as '0.01' may be specified
	for fader shutter positions, unless your hardware resolution is 
	high enough, the motor hardware may not actually differentiate
	0.01 from 0.02. Such discrepancies will be reflected in the
	fader's counter display.

	Only the display truncates 2 digits after the decimal point. The 
	hardware will (if it is capable, due to its resolution) recognize 
	54.000594 as a valid position to go to, even though the display may
	say '54.00'.

        OPCS Commands
        CAM(OPCS)            - shoot camera (fades/dissolves too)
        OPN(OPCS), CLS(OPCS) - open/close fader shutter
        SHU(OPCS)            - move fader to an absolute position in degrees
        DXI(OPCS), DXO(OPCS) - set up dissolve in/out
        FDI(OPCS), FDO(OPCS) - set up fade in/out

        OPCSDEFS Commands
        FLOG(OPCSDEFS)   - set Fader LOGarithmic curve for custom fades
        FRANGE(OPCSDEFS) - set fade/dx's degrees range (for Hicon film stocks)
        INTERP(OPCSDEFS) - set interpolation positions (fader, focus, etc)
        SLOP(OPCSDEFS)   - correct for slop in a motor (fader, focus, etc)

        MATH(DOCS)       - math expressions (for use in frame specifications)
        SYNTAX(DOCS)     - online calculator and OPCS math expression syntax

	Gregory Ercolano, Los Feliz California 11/29/89
© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.