BASEADDR(OPCSDEFS)	Optical Printer Control System       BASEADDR(OPCSDEFS)

        baseaddr - configure the Kuper/A800 motion control card base address

        NOTE: This command was removed in OPCS K2.10 and up.
              See OBSOLETE and HISTORY below.

        baseaddr [port]    # port value in hex, so "300" is 300 hex

        baseaddr 300       # sets base address to 300 hex (default)

        The stepper motor pulse generator motion control cards that OPCS
	uses all have a "base address" that is configured with jumpers on
	the cards themselves.

	The 'baseaddr' must match the jumper setting on the card.

	The default for all the cards is '300', a commonly available
	hex address for industrial cards.

        In OPCS K2.10 (and up) the 'baseaddr' command was made obsolete, and
        should no longer specified in the OPCSDEFS.OPC file, in favor of setting
        the card's base address as a ^[[5mcommand line parameter^[[0m to the card's driver, e.g.

   -b0300 -- starts A800 driver, sets baseaddr to 300
   -b0300  -- starts RTMC48 driver, sets baseaddr to 300
   -b0300  -- starts RTMC16 driver, sets baseaddr to 300

        See "HISTORY" below for the history of this change.

        For information on how to configure the stepper pulse generator cards
        for different base address and IRQ settings, see the following documents:

            man a800   -- the A800 card documentation
            man rtmc16 -- the RTMC16 card documentation
            man rtmc48 -- the RTMC48 and Kuper Industrial card documentation

        This command was introduced in K2.00, and removed in K2.10:
        In K1.xx the base address was configured in the "STARTUP.DEFS" file.
        In K2.00 "STARTUP.DEFS" was removed, and the command moved to OPCSDEFS.OPC.
        In K2.10 "baseaddr" was removed from OPCSDEFS.OPC in favor of setting
        the base address as a command line parameter to the card's driver.
        (See "OBSOLETE" above for info on how that's specified)

        A800(DOC)   - Documentation for the A800 card and driver
        RTMC48(DOC) - Documentation for the RTMC48 card and driver
        RTMC16(DOC) - Documentation for the RTMC16 card and driver

        Version K2.00 Gregory Ercolano, Alhambra California 05/09/20
© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.