VIEWER(OPCSDEFS) Optical Printer Control System VIEWER(OPCSDEFS) NAME viewer - configure the viewer input port and bit mask USAGE viewer [port] [mask] [test] [0] # (all values in hex!) EXAMPLES viewer 0000 00 00 # No viewer detection viewer 03bd 40 40 # LPT1 pin 10, HI bit detects condition viewer 03bd 40 00 # LPT1 pin 10, LO bit detects condition DESCRIPTION If your system has a 'viewer open' switch, it can be wired to one of the IBM parallel ports to allow the software to sense its state, to prevent exposing film with the viewer open. [port] is the port number in the range 0000-03ff. If [port] is 0000, no viewer checking is done. [mask] is applied to the value received from the port whenever the software is checking for a viewer open condition. This is applied before comparing to [test]. [test] is compared to the value read from the port after [mask] is applied. If the result is the same as [test], a viewer open condition exists. WIRING CONSIDERATIONS Normally you would use an optically isolated interface card for the buckle and viewer switches, e.g. PIO-100(DOCS). If directly connecting switches to the parallel port, it is recommended you use a separate, dedicated 5 volt power supply wired through the switches in such a way that when the sensing switch is tripped, +5 volts is passed to the computer. Such a supply can be a store-bought 12 VDC transformer, with an added 7805 5 volt regulator. Note that if you use an unregulated supply (ie. a transformer without the 7805), the voltage output can vary according to the AC power from the wall, which normally varies plus or minus 10 percent, causing a wide margin of possible voltages to the computer's sensing input, which really wants either +5 or ground, and nothing else. As with any signal going to the sensing input on a computer, the signal should never be open..the signal must pull either 5 volts or ground for a TRUE or FALSE condition. An open input is more like a radio antenna that will register both TRUE AND FALSE conditions randomly, causing spurious sensing errors. To further prevent noise problems, use sheilded wire for the sensing signals, and ground the shield ONLY at the power supply end. Do NOT use the sheild as a ground return for the computer..use a separate conductor for signal ground. Keep wire lengths as short as possible. If noise problems persist, and you have ruled out a problem with the computer, it may be that the wire is simply too long for such a low voltage signal. You may want to use a higher voltage (12 volts) in the switch circuitry to drive an optoisolator close to the computer, using the optoisolator to switch 5 volt signals to the parallel port. You can find the base port value for the parallel ports from the operating system using the DOS 'debug' utility: C>debug # run 'debug' -d40:8 f # enter this (not the '-') 0040:0008 BC 03 78 03 00 00 00 00 # debug spits this out -q ----- ----- # type 'q' to quit debug | | | LPT #2's port base address | LPT #1's port base address Your machine may show different values. In the case above, 03BC is the base port value for LPT1..note the bytes are in reverse order in typical LSB/MSB fashion. See the PARALLEL() man page which shows the pin out and port addresses of the IBM PC's parallel ports. BUGS None. SEE ALSO DEENERGIZE(OPCSDEFS) - define port/bit to deenergize motors ALLSTOP(OPDSDEFS) - define port/bit to detect the allstop key BUCKLE(OPCSDEFS) - define port/bit to detect film buckles VIEWER(OPCSDEFS) - define port/bit to detect viewer open TRIPSWITCH(OPCSDEFS) - define port/bit to detect trip switches SETBIT(OPCSDEFS) - set bit(s) on a port CLRBIT(OPCSDEFS) - clear bit(s) on a port XORBIT(OPCSDEFS) - invert bit(s) on a port PARALLEL(BIOS) - parallel port pinout with port/bit masks PIO-100(DOCS) - OPCS Parallel I/O interface board, e.g. ORIGIN Version K1.12e+ Gregory Ercolano, Venice California 04/10/98