From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: no response
   Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 18:40:21 -0500
Msg# 2028
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Gary Jaeger wrote:
> Hey Greg. Why would I get a "no response" from machines in rushadmin =
> (and they show yellow caution bars in rushtop) but I can successfully =
> rush -ping them?

	Two reasons I know of.

	1) The most common, a software firewall/virus software that's
	   blocking UDP (affects rush -push, rush -status, rushtop, All Cpus
	   and All Jobs..) but not blocking TCP (rush -ping, etc).

	2) A mismatch of MTU settings (for enabling jumbo frames) affects the
	   handling of UDP packet fragmentation in the kernels; make sure if
	   you tweak your MTUs, make the same change is made on all the boxes
	   (ie. consistent MTU settings), otherwise UDP packets get mangled. See:

    There might be other causes, but those are the biggies.. #1 in particular.

    Regarding #1, what OS are you running on?

    If windows, try stopping the rushd service (net stop rushd)
    and then, logged into the window manager as the user the rushd
    service normally runs as, try running 'rushd -nofork' from a
    DOS window, and see if any dialogs or errors pop up about
    allowing access to networking (indicating a selective firewall)

    If linux, try disabling iptables on boot, then either reboot
    or then use ipfw to clear the table, and see if that solves it.
    Or if you have firewalling on and want it to remain on,
    just be sure to make a 'hole' for port 696 for both TCP *and* UDP.

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Seriss Corporation
Rush Render Queue,
Tel: (Tel# suppressed)ext.23
Fax: (Tel# suppressed)
Cel: (Tel# suppressed)

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