> We're having trouble using copy/paste in Irush and the submit forms
> using Rush 102.42a9c/64bit on Scientific Linux 6.x 64bit.
> When we try to do a ^C or Edit|Copy operation in Irush, it prints this error
> to the terminal:
> X_ChangeProperty: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 0x40
> ..and doesn't affect the copy/paste buffer.
Yes, there's now a special build of Rush 102.42a9c that fixes this;
basically an incompatibility between the GUI toolkit that version of
rush was using with the newer versions of Linux X11.
You can download the fix here:
..which has Rush built against the newer version of the GUI toolkit
that supports copy/paste on the newer linux versions.
Note: Those using the 103.xx release stream already have this fix;
103 already uses the newer version of the GUI toolkit, so it doesn't
have this issue.