From: Cameron Leger <cleger@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: AE Rush submit
   Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 14:05:57 -0400
Msg# 2343
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I think I've modified these from a .jsx posted here a while ago, but I think you'll find them useful.

This will empty the Render Queue and add the selected comps, applying a template named 'PNGA'.

app.beginUndoGroup("Rush Render Queue");
function lsComps()
    var selectedComps = new Array();
    if (app.project != null)
        var selectedItems = app.project.selection;
        for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
            projItem = selectedItems[i];
            if (projItem instanceof CompItem)
                selectedComps[selectedComps.length] = projItem;
    return selectedComps;

if ( app.project.file ) {
    var comps = lsComps()
    var numb = app.project.renderQueue.numItems;
    for (i = numb; i > 0; i--) {
        var curItem = app.project.renderQueue.item(i);
    for (var i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
        rQC = app.project.renderQueue.items.add(comps[i]);
        rQCM = rQC.outputModule(1);
alert("Render Queue cleared and the selected comps have been added. You should update each of their Output To sections in the Render Queue and then run RushRender");

This will submit a rush job for each item in the Render Queue.

app.beginUndoGroup("Rush Render");
var SCRIPT = "/Volumes/Scripts_1/SubmitScripts/";
var CPUS   = "+ae=60@100";
var BATCH  = 50;

if ( app.project.file ) {
    var aeproj =," ");
    var aeproj_no_ext = aeproj.substring(0,aeproj.length-4);
    var numb = app.project.renderQueue.numItems;
    for (i = numb; i > 0; i--) {
        var curItem = app.project.renderQueue.item(i);
        var comp = curItem.comp;
        var projectPath = app.project.file.fsName.toString();
        app.project.timecodeDisplayType = TimecodeDisplayType.FRAMES;
        var workAreaStart = comp.workAreaStart;
        var workAreaEnd = comp.workAreaDuration + workAreaStart;
        var sframe = timeToCurrentFormat(workAreaStart, comp.frameRate, false);
        var eframe = timeToCurrentFormat(workAreaEnd,   comp.frameRate, false);
        sframe = parseFloat(sframe);
        eframe = parseFloat(eframe);
        var compname      =;
        var jobtitle      = aeproj_no_ext+"."+compname;
        var tmp = new File("/var/tmp/rushaesubmit");
        tmp.lineFeed = "Unix";
        if ("w", "TEXT")) {
            tmp.writeln("JobTitle: "+jobtitle);
            tmp.writeln("Frames: "+sframe+"-"+eframe);
            tmp.writeln("ScenePath: "+projectPath);
            tmp.writeln("CompName: "+compname);
            tmp.writeln("BatchFrames: "+BATCH);
            tmp.writeln("Cpus: "+CPUS);
            tmp.writeln("AEVersion: -");
            tmp.writeln("AutoDump: off");
            tmp.writeln("BatchClip: yes");
            tmp.writeln("LogFlags: Overwrite");
            tmp.writeln("Ram: 1");
            tmp.writeln("Retries: 5");
            tmp.writeln("StartIrush: no");
            tmp.writeln("RetryBehavior: AddNever+Requeue");
            var tmpfile = tmp.absoluteURI;
            var cmd = "perl "+SCRIPT+" -submit \""+tmpfile+"\" > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &";
            var out = system.callSystem(cmd);
        } else {
            alert("Couldn't submit "+compname);

On Aug 8, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Dan Rosen wrote:

> [posted to rush.general]
> Hello,
> We are just getting around to a formal Rush submit script launched out =
> of AE. We are on Rush 102.42a9, CS5, Mac OSX 10.6.8.
> I have found a few issues and have a few questions.
> - Leaving the OutputPath blank does not render what's setup in Queue as =
> advertised by Rush help.
> - I am looking to add some features to a simple jsx script that was =
> posted to this forum. The script is great at adding the project file and =
> comp name to the Rush submit window, but I'd like to add more features. =
> Are there simple examples of getting a selecting comp into the Queue and =
> setting it's output properties? Any examples/help on this front is much =
> appreciated.
> - Is there a way to add a custom menu to AE? like Nuke at the top menu =
> items?

Cameron Leger
the dvi group | 3D Artist / Coding
1486 Mecaslin Street NW, Atlanta, GA  30309
Phone: 404-873-6283 x 113

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