From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: [SYSADMIN/OSX] Setting up NFS mounts on OSX: using mount(1) in boot
   Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 05:27:44 -0400
Msg# 1282
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Not long ago, we were forced to create NFS mounts to our file servers
with the Automounter, because if you tried to hack mount(1) commands
directly into the boot scripts, it would make a bug surface in the Finder
causing it to report "0 Gig Available" on a server that had plenty of space,
and give "disk full" errors when users tried to drag+drop files to the server.

This "Finder" bug forced everyone to use the more lengthly procedure of
configuring NFS mounts with the Automounter, specifically:

Well, it looks like Apple recently fixed that bug (hooray!) in recent maintenance
releases for both 10.3.9 and 10.4.5, so now it seems you can again just shove
mount(1) commands into boot scripts, and the Finder is happy with it.

My favorite approach is to put the mounts into the S99rush boot script,
(/usr/local/rush/etc/S99rush) in the 'start' section just before the part
where it actually starts rushd. This ensures the mounts are active
before rush kicks in any renders after a reboot.

Here's a working example that shows some example commands one might add
to the S99rush boot script to mount an NFS file server:

--- snip

    # Mount the drive
    #     > Redirect errors to /var/log/system.log via logger(1)
    #     > When mounting the server, use its IP address, not its hostname.
    #       DNS is often not resolving right after a reboot.
        if [ ! -d /Volumes/Jobs ]; then
	    echo "Creating /Volumes/Jobs mount point"
	    mkdir /Volumes/Jobs

	echo "Mounting /Volumes/Jobs"
        /sbin/mount -t nfs -o intr,bg /Volumes/Jobs

    ) 2>&1 | logger -t "JOB-MOUNT"

--- snip

Nice thing about this is you can then just copy the S99rush script around to
other machines to quickly install the mount, eg:

    rcp /usr/local/rush/etc/S99rush somehost:/usr/local/rush/etc
    rsh somehost /usr/local/rush/etc/S99rush start

...or quickly deploy the mount to a *whole farm* of machines automatically,
eg. from a csh:

    foreach i ( host1 host2 host3 .. )
       echo -- Working on $i
       rcp /usr/local/rush/etc/S99rush ${i}:/usr/local/rush/etc
       rsh $i /usr/local/rush/etc/S99rush start

So, if you've been taking Apple's software updates, you might find this
an easier way to manage NFS mounts on large networks of Apple machines.