From: Christopher Janney <chrisj@(email surpressed)>
Subject: can't render passes from maya in MR standalone via rush
   Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 15:17:20 -0400
Msg# 1935
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Using the current '' script with 'mr standalone' selected, we get the following Render command string:

Render -r mi -proj //sanD/proj1/CGI/anotherFancyJob/shots/shot81/work.artist/maya -s 55 -e 55 -b 1 -file /tmp/.RUSH_TMP.1595/foo.mi -exportPathNames aaaaaaaaaa //sanD/proj1/CGI/anotherFancyJob/shots/shot81/work.artist/maya/scenes/sht81_c01_a05_l07ks.mb

That's fine for everything but render passes. Black frames, every one of them.

Any suggestions?

Thank you,


   From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: can't render passes from maya in MR standalone via rush
   Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 16:04:16 -0400
Msg# 1936
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Christopher Janney wrote:
> [posted to rush.general]
> Using the current '' script with 'mr standalone' selected, 
> we get the following Render command string:
> Render -r mi -proj 
> //sanD/proj1/CGI/anotherFancyJob/shots/shot81/work.artist/maya -s 55 -e 
> 55 -b 1 -file /tmp/.RUSH_TMP.1595/foo.mi -exportPathNames aaaaaaaaaa 
> //sanD/proj1/CGI/anotherFancyJob/shots/shot81/work.artist/maya/scenes/sht81_c01_a05_l07ks.mb
> That's fine for everything but render passes.  Black frames, every one 
> of them.
> Any suggestions?

	First: are there any error messages from either the maya or
	ray passes that give an idea of what the problem is? eg. warnings
	or error messages? Look carefully at the output for both ray and maya.
	The problem could be caused during either the mi generation or ray.

	If not, I'd suggest opening a shell window and experimenting with
	the command line flags for both the Maya "Render" MI generation pass,
	and the Mental Ray "ray" render pass to see what makes it work.

	You should be able to copy/paste the "Render" and "ray" commands
	right out of the log into a shell window window to check them..
	I'd just suggest you change the "/tmp/.RUSH_TMP.1595/foo.mi" in those
	commands to something else, like /var/tmp/foo.mi

	I don't think it's a problem in the submit script, but might just be
	some needed flags for either the Maya Flags: prompt or the Ray Flags:
	prompt. Or it might even be something that just needs to be changed
	in the scene file itself.

	When testing flags, it's probably best to go into the command line
	and play around with them so you can quickly make changes and see results.

	I'd suggest checking the help for both 'Render' and 'ray', and look for
	flags relating to passes/levels:

Render -r mi -help

ray -help

	Maya's online docs will cover the details of these flags; check into that
	to see if there's something that stands out.

	If you're still stuck, but can replicate from the shell, then I'd take it
	to the Maya related forums on rendering, pasting the Render and Ray commands
	you're using, and give some details about the scene's settings, and see
	what they say. If you can replicate purely from the command line, then it
	surely is a Maya/Mray specific issue that they can help with.

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Seriss Corporation
Rush Render Queue,
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