From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: [Maya 2010+OSX] Error: "Could not find installed copy of Maya"
   Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 03:13:50 -0700
Msg# 1968
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	This is specific to running Maya 2010 on OSX.

	Every so often, someone runs into this error with Maya 2010 on OSX
	and isn't sure what to do to solve it (even though the error does say
	what the solution is):

Starting "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2010/"
Error: could not find installed copy of Maya.  Please install maya
or set MAYA_LOCATION environment variable to point to location
// Maya exited with status 1

	In the past, Maya has always been able to figure out MAYA_LOCATION
	automatically. So normally you never had to set it.

	However, only with Maya 2010 on OSX it seems you have to set MAYA_LOCATION
	manually, or Maya 2010 will throw the above error.

	To do this, find the "MAC" environment variable section at the top of your script, and set both PATH and MAYA_LOCATION for 2010. Example:

    # MAC
    #     Configure the PATH so the most recent Maya versions
    #     are automatically attempted first..
    $ENV{PATH} = "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2010/".       ### <-- 2010 PATH
    $ENV{MAYA_LOCATION} = "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2010/";   ### <-- 2010 MAYA_LOCATION

	YMMV, depending on your install location. The above settings
	are for a default Maya 2010 installation.

	Maya 2011 on OSX does *not* have this problem, and IIRC, older
	Maya releases don't have it either. So this is only needed for 2010/OSX.