From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: [Q+A]  Is there a way to list "Fail" frames for *all* jobs on the
   Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 20:32:11 -0400
Msg# 2131
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> Is there a way to get a list of all the Fail frames
> for *all* jobs on the network inside Irush?
> Sometimes we get a fair of Fail frames, and want an easy way to see
> if there's a network-wide trend across all jobs causing the problem.
> (eg. if one particular host is responsible for all the failures,
> or if there's a problem with one of the file servers or license managers.

	Yes, you can create a script that generates this report,
	and the report will show up in irush such that you can view
	logs and requeue frames using the Frame controls as you'd expect.

	The script would a) get a list of all the jobids in the shop,
	and b) run 'rush -lf | grep ^Fail' to get a list of all the
	fail frames from each job.

	To get such a report, you could create a script like the following
	which does just that, and add it as a hotkey in Irush so that
	you can see it as its own "Frames" report:

		1) Save the below script as '/your/server/bin/all-fail-frames'
		2) Go into irush Hotkeys -> Edit
		3) Click New, and fill out the form:

			Name: "All Fail Frames"
			Command: perl /your/server/bin/
			Hotkey: F1
			Output: Upper:Frame

		4) Hit Done

	Then, when you hit F1, you'll get a list of all the failed frames
	in Irush with the 'Frames' controls you're used to, so you can
	double click frames to view the logs, etc.

	Here's the '' script:

--- snip

$| = 1;
my $jobids = "";

open(LAJ, "rush -laj|");
while ( <LAJ> )
    if ( /^Run\s+(\S+)/ || /^Fail\s+(\S+)/ || /^Pause\s+(\S+)/ )
        { $jobids .= "$1 "; }

open(LF, "rush -lf $jobids -t 5|");
my $header = 0;
while ( <LF> )
    # Print header only once
    if ( /^Status/ && ! $header )
        { $header = 1; print $_; }
    # Print any failed frames
    if ( /^Fail/ )
        { print $_; }
--- snip