From: Kevin Sallee <kevinsallee@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Newbie submit script not working
   Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 17:45:43 -0400
Msg# 2133
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Ok don't mind my first message. I am one step further now :)
ok so i have my submit script that looks like this:

submit = os.popen("rush -submit", 'w')
submit.write('title    SHOW/SHOT\n' +
             'ram      250\n' +
             'frames   1-1\n' +
             'logdir   %s\n' % logdir +
'command python /home/kevinsallee/alembicTests/\n ' +
             'cpus     +any=5@1\n')
err = submit.close()

and my file that looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, commands, sys
os.system("maya -batch -file /home/kevinsallee/alembicTests/testbatch.mb -command 'AbcExport -v -jobArg \"-ro -uvWrite -frameRange 1 20 -file /home/kevinsallee/alembicTests/\"'")

In the log, i get this:
--------------- Rush 102.42a9c --------------
--       Host: nuclearpowerplant01
--        Pid: 6560
--      Title: SHOW/SHOT
--      Jobid: mixmaster.673
--      Frame: 0001
--      Tries: 0
--      Owner: kevinsallee (1091/100)
--  RunningAs: kevinsallee (1091/100)
--   Priority: 1
--       Nice: 10
--     Tmpdir: /var/tmp/.RUSH_TMP.867
--    LogFile: /home/kevinsallee/alembicTests/testbatch.mb.log/0001
--    Command: python /home/kevinsallee/alembicTests/
--    Started: Mon Oct 24 16:41:44 2011
sh: maya: command not found

why is maya command not found??

thanks for the help
