# A D M I N I S T R A T I O N L O G # # When modifying the system, log your changes with 'admlog -new'. # Put your new entries at the top, under the datestamp provided. # Please follow the format of other entries. # --- 12/15/01,04:31:01 - erco: How to checkout macosx FLTK cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.FLTK.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/fltk login cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.FLTK.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/fltk -z3 co -rv1_1 -d fltk-1.1.x fltk --- 11/28/01,04:15:07 - erco: allow root telnet access to OSX Reason: Due to weirdness with lookupd being killed and restarted, inetd started processes (telnet) become unable to recognize users. Fall back to root logins to fix stuff. 1) Modify /etc/ttys to include the 'secure' flag for all the network ttys, eg: ttyp0 none network secure ttyp1 none network secure ttyp2 none network secure Takes effect immediately, even if someone is at a telnet login prompt. --- 11/26/01,14:07:02 - erco: system call tracing linux: strace sgi: par osx: sc_usage sun: truss winnt: strace from http://razor.bindview.com/tools/desc/strace_readme.html --- 11/25/01,17:02:54 - erco: Link needed to prevent CFNetwork.h errors from ProjectBuilder Sun 11/25/01 17:01:01 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions [root@bubble] 152 : ln -s A Current --- 11/24/01,05:46:27 - root: MAC SETUP STUFF o Mounts to remote linux servers: Add 'insecure' for the mac in the /etc/exports file, eg: /net,no_root_squash,insecure) -------- To setup the mount: 1) go into Finder -> Go -> Connect to Host and type.. nfs://tahoe/net 2) The mount should appear in /Volumes/tahoe/ which you can make a link to. OR.. if you want a more permanent modification, just Hack a 'mount' command directly into the network boot script: /System/Library/StartupItems/Network/Network For instance, I have at the bottom of my 'Network' script's 'Start' procedure: ---- ConsoleMessage "mounting tahoe.." nohup mount -t nfs /net > /dev/console 2>&1 Security -> Authenticate" then "Domain -> Security -> Enable Root User". You will now be prompted to enter a password for the user root. PANTHER: In the NetInfo Manager menu choose "Security -> Authenticate" followed by "Security -> Enable Root User". You will now be prompted to enter a password for the user root. You are now able to login as user root with your new password. To give root a TCSH login shell instead of a SH (Bourne Shell), so when you run 'su', you get a TCSH, change the following in NetInfo: 1) Click on 'users -> root' 2) Click the 'Unlock' button in the lower left of the NetInfo window, so you can edit the entries. 3) Find the 'shell' entry, move the mouse over the '/bin/sh' and double click. 4) Change the '/bin/sh' to read '/bin/tcsh' instead 5) In the NetInfo menu bar, choose 'Domain -> Save' o /etc/passwd is not used when in multiuser; lookupd is used, which means /etc/passwd is pretty much ignored. See 'man lookupd', and read carefully.