


Drawn in my ex gf's large sketchbook, which she'd lent me before we went on a camping trip (I'd forgotten mine), and I guess I ended up drawing in it so much that I guess she'd just given it to me.

I think I drew this during the drive to pass the time. This was the best sketch I'd done in that book. Don't know why I was thinking about tornadoes.. musta seen some big storm clouds during the trip.

Looking back, this drawing looks a lot like the tornado scenes in "The Wizard of Oz".

    I was amazed by how the tornado effects in The Wizard of Oz were done. I could tell it was rear-projected in the studio, but I'd always thought it was real footage. Turns out it was actually practical effects; the effect was created by hanging a giant muslin wind sock (kinda like a huge woman's stocking) from a crane about 20 feet high, with "Fuller's earth" swirling around inside.. the sock twisted by motors, and dragged along by guys in the catwalk, or some such. The details of this shot were covered on the extras of the DVD I have of the movie, showing the raw with guys walking around the thing setting it up, showing the crane and the stage as they revved the thing up, and then when it wound down and stopped. The effects footage worked so well, the same tornado footage was reused as a rear projection in other movies as well.

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